Quick Magic i2

Quick Magic
Quick Magic Quick Magic Quick Magic Quick Magic

Details on Quick Magic i2

3D-Emblem (Doming)
Material plastic
Display TFT-LCD
Display size 1,44"
Measuring accuracy +/- 3mm
Colour(s) black/white
Weight 105g
Finishing options 3D emblem
on 2 positions
Advertising space 30mm x 9mm
Dimensions 75mm x 33,5mm x 15,3mm
Quick Magic

Quick Magic is the new Laser Meter from meterex.
With this tool you can measure distance, area and volume precise and „Quick“. Max. distance up to 30m.
Big 1,44“ TFT-LCD display shows your last 4 measurements and the battery status. Thanks to the automatic laser
and power off you can work with this Laser Meter very long. You load the battery with an enclosed USB-cable.

Quick Magic will be delivered in a high quality black box with magnet locking.

User manual on page "Novelties" and "Downloads".

ID: 09000200

Request offer

Karl Kuntze (GmbH & Co.)
Industriegebiet Ost
Poensgenstr. 17
D-40764 Langenfeld

Telefon: +49 (0) 2173 - 99 88 69-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 2173 - 99 88 69-9
E-Mail: meterex@meterex.com
Internet: www.meterex.com