Keytape 20


Details on Keytape 20

digital photographic printpad printingEC Accuracy class II (capable of calibration)
Material ABS plastic
Measuring accuracy EEC-class II
Length 2m
Tape width 13mm
Tape material Stahlband
Extension stability to 1,0m
Version Gute Qualität
Colour(s) White
Stopper colour(s) Black
Scaling cm
Weight 60g
Finishing options Tamponprint, Ø23mm
3D-Sticker, Ø30mm
Advertising space Ø 22mm
Dimensions 45mm x 45mm

Well-priced 2m tape measure as keyring in white ABS enclosure with black rubber trim. As well as ease of handling, the keyring features a 13mm wide tape measure. As a result, measurements are precise and the results easy to read. Automatic rewind with stop. Advertising is applied in the form of printing or doming.

ID: 00002000

Request offer

Karl Kuntze (GmbH & Co.)
Industriegebiet Ost
Poensgenstr. 17
D-40764 Langenfeld

Telefon: +49 (0) 2173 - 99 88 69-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 2173 - 99 88 69-9