Aluminium-Spiritlevel 300 • 280 • 260 • 240 • 230 • 220


Details on Aluminium-Spiritlevel 300

pad printingmeasuring accuracy 0.0258° = 0.5 mm on 1 m30 year gurantee on bubble with bezel
Material Aluminium
Measuring accuracy 0,0285°= 0,5mm/1m
Length 1m
Version Top quality
Colour(s) silver
Scaling cm
Weight 560g
Finishing options Tampon imprint
Advertising space 170mm x 27mm
Dimensions 1000 x 49 x 22
Gurantee 30 years

- Aluminium-profil in the thickness of 1.7mm warp resistant - Measuring precision of 0,0285° = 0.5mm/1m in normal position. - Double ring on horizontal bubble for exact measurement of 2% incline - Fluorescent horizontal bubble glows in dusk and darkness - Bubble with magnifiying effect improves exact readings.

ID: 00030000 silver
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Details on Aluminium-Spiritlevel 280

pad printingmeasuring accuracy 0.0258° = 0.5 mm on 1 m30 year gurantee on bubble with bezel
Material Aluminium
Measuring accuracy 0,0285°= 0,5mm/1m
Length 80cm
Version Top quality
Colour(s) silver
Scaling cm
Weight 490g
Finishing options Tampon imprint
Advertising space 170mm x 27mm
Dimensions 800 x 49 x 22
Gurantee 30 years

- Aluminium-profil in the thickness of 1.7mm warp resistant - Measuring precision of 0,0285° = 0.5mm/1m in normal position. - Double ring on horizontal bubble for exact measurement of 2% incline - Fluorescent horizontal bubble glows in dusk and darkness - Bubble with magnifiying effect improves exact readings.

ID: 00028000

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Details on Aluminium-Spiritlevel 260

laser engravingpad printingmeasuring accuracy 0.0258° = 0.5 mm on 1 m30 year gurantee on bubble with bezel
Material Aluminium
Measuring accuracy 0,0285°= 0,5mm/1m
Length 60cm
Version Top quality
Colour(s) silver
Scaling cm
Weight 395g
Finishing options Tampon imprint, laser engraving
Advertising space 170mm x 27mm
30mm x 20mm
Dimensions 600 x 49 x 22
Gurantee 30 years

- Aluminium-profil in the thickness of 1.7mm warp resistant - Measuring precision of 0,0285° = 0.5mm/1m in normal position. - Double ring on horizontal bubble for exact measurement of 2% incline - Fluorescent horizontal bubble glows in dusk and darkness - Bubble with magnifiying effect improves exact readings.

ID: 00026000

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Details on Aluminium-Spiritlevel 240

laser engravingpad printingmeasuring accuracy 0.0258° = 0.5 mm on 1 m30 year gurantee on bubble with bezel
Material Aluminium
Measuring accuracy 0,0285°= 0,5mm/1m
Length 40cm
Version Top quality
Colour(s) silver
Scaling cm
Weight 280g
Finishing options Tampon imprint, laser engraving
Advertising space 145mm x 27mm
30mm x 20mm
Dimensions 400 x 49 x 22
Gurantee 30 years

- Aluminium-profil in the thickness of 1.7mm warp resistant - Measuring precision of 0,0285° = 0.5mm/1m in normal position. - Double ring on horizontal bubble for exact measurement of 2% incline - Fluorescent horizontal bubble glows in dusk and darkness - Bubble with magnifiying effect improves exact readings.

ID: 00024000 silver
Request offer

Details on Aluminium-Spiritlevel 230

laser engravingpad printingmeasuring accuracy 0.0258° = 0.5 mm on 1 m30 year gurantee on bubble with bezel
Material Aluminium
Measuring accuracy 0,0285°= 0,5mm/1m
Length 30cm
Version Top quality
Colour(s) silver
Scaling cm
Weight 224g
Finishing options Tampon imprint, laser engraving
Advertising space 100mm x 27mm
30mm x 20mm
Dimensions 300 x 49 x 22
Gurantee 30 years

- Aluminium-profil in the thickness of 1.7mm warp resistant - Measuring precision of 0,0285° = 0.5mm/1m in normal position. - Double ring on horizontal bubble for exact measurement of 2% incline - Fluorescent horizontal bubble glows in dusk and darkness - Bubble with magnifiying effect improves exact readings.

ID: 00023000 silver
Request offer

Details on Aluminium-Spiritlevel 220

laser engravingpad printingmeasuring accuracy 0.0258° = 0.5 mm on 1 m30 year gurantee on bubble with bezel
Material Aluminium
Measuring accuracy 0,0285°= 0,5mm/1m
Length 22cm
Version Top quality
Colour(s) silver
Scaling cm
Weight 173g
Finishing options Tampondruck, Laser engraving
Advertising space 60mm x 27mm
30mm x 20mm
Dimensions 220 x 49 x 22
Gurantee 30 years

Aluminium spirit level in premium quality with:
- Aluminium-profil in the thickness of 1.7mm warp resistant - Measuring precision of 0,0285° = 0.5mm/1m in normal position. - Double ring on horizontal bubble for exact measurement of 2% incline - Fluorescent horizontal bubbble glows in dusk and darkness - Bubble with magnifiying effect improves exact readings.

ID: 00022000 silver
Request offer

Karl Kuntze (GmbH & Co.)
Industriegebiet Ost
Poensgenstr. 17
D-40764 Langenfeld

Telefon: +49 (0) 2173 - 99 88 69-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 2173 - 99 88 69-9